Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

Bele Albrecht


Bele albrecht | MySpace Video

Bele Alrechts clay animation video loops are about typical human behaviour, relationships and emotion - the big and the small.

The constant repetition, living through it more than once, without beginning or end, the viewer gets into a kind of katharsis. Seeing it again and again the spectator my change his/her point of view and identification figures.



Bele albrecht | MySpace Video


2010 Offener Raum, Haus der Kunst, München

2010 30.Friedberger art Exhibition, Friedberg

2010 Das Lächeln der Hybris Ausstellungslabor, Akademy of fine arts, Nürnberg

2010 ART BY CHANCE -10 Selection Ultra Short Film Festival (20 countries)

2009 landscapes of time, Kunsthaus K4 Nürnberg

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